Annex logoMuseum Annex at Big Sky Visitor’s Center Offers Big Sky History Year-Round

More than 100 visitors attended the grand opening of the Crail Ranch Homestead Museum “History Annex” in the new Big Sky Chamber Visitor Information Center on the afternoon of Saturday, February 16, 2013.


Big Sky Visitor Center at the corner of Hwy 191 and Lone Mountain Trail

The Crail Ranch Homestead Museum Annex was established by the Historic Crail Ranch Conservators to provide a year-round venue offering a glimpse of Big Sky’s rich homestead history. It is hoped that the displays of photographs, documents and historic objects will encourage visitors to return to Big Sky during the summer months, when the Historic Crail Ranch buildings and grounds are open to the public. Visitors can view videos and slides on local history and photo wall display introduces visitors to some little-known aspects of Big Sky’s homestead history.

Sue Lindley of the HCRC headed the design effort to set up the History Annex. Anne Marie Mistretta assisted, along with important volunteer help from Trish Loomis. Scott Carpenter of InteResources Planning in Bozeman provided historic consultation on the project.

Karen Strickler of the HCRC committee talks local history with Margaret and John Leeper, long-time Crail Ranch supporters.


Big Sky Chamber of Commerce Director Kitty Clemens chats with Dr Jeff Strickler, co-author of Images of America: Big Sky. The Chamber graciously provided exhibit space for the Museum.


Scott Carpenter dressed as historic characterization of Montana homesteader Augustus Franklin Crail, provided guidance and support in development of the Crail Homestead Museum Annex.

Photos by Gabrielle Gasser

Creation of the History Annex was accomplished by our many volunteers. Major funding was provided by a generous anonymous grant. The logo for the Crail Ranch Homestead Museum was designed by Glenniss Indreland, Imagecrafter.

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