Community Trails
Connecting Big Sky

New experiences, familiar vistas, and everything in between

36 miles of multi-use, multi-directional trails allow bikers, hikers, walkers, families, skiers, and four-legged companions to get outside and enjoy the unique beauty of our Big Sky, year-round.

Trail Details

Black Diamond


1.6 miles round trip

Crail Ranch


2.6 miles round trip

Gallatin Canyon


5 miles round trip



3 miles round trip



0.6 miles round trip

Little Willow Way


1.6 miles round trip

Lone Peak


7 miles round trip

Mtn. to Meadow


4 miles one-way

Mud Creek


3 miles round trip

Ousel Falls


1.6 miles round trip

Ralph’s Pass


2.7 miles one way

South Fork Loop


1 mile round trip

Tanner’s Way


1.7 miles one-way



2 miles round trip

Huff’s Trek


3.3 miles one way



1.1 mile out and back

BSCO public Trails

Resources & Information

Printed Big Sky Trail Maps

The Big Sky Community Organization trail map includes information and directions to parks and trails in Big Sky. Grab a map at the BASE front desk.


Bears & Wildlife

Recreating with Wildlife

Tips for recreating in the Big Sky area:

  • Don’t hike alone. Recreating in groups reduces the chances of adverse wildlife encounters. Groups of two or more will make wildlife think twice before approaching you.
  • Do not feed wildlife!
  • Carry bear spray such that it is easily accessible. Know how to use it. It is effective on most wildlife found in the area, including moose! Interested in learning more about bear safety, or renting bear spray while you’re in town? Visit our community partners over at Hey Bear.
  • Let someone know where you are going.
  • Make noise. Talking and making noise will alert wildlife of your approaching presence, especially in forests and hilly terrain.
    Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid recreating while wearing headphones so that you can hear what is going on around you, including warnings from wildlife you do not yet see.
  • Pack it in pack it out! Litter, especially food and drink waste, is an attractant for animals and can cause issues for those who come after you.
  • Be aware wildlife! Wildlife lives were we like to recreate. Please do not disturb any wildlife and prevent your dogs from chasing wildlife, including all birds, squirrels, deer, elk etc. Be considerate of their needs and please give them plenty of space. Carry bear spray in case you have an encounter. It works not only on bears, but almost all wildlife found in the area.
  • Read all signs at the trailheads. Up to date information on any wildlife in the area is posted at the trailhead. Additional trail specific/species specific information for the area is often included in the signs at the trailhead.


Trail Etiquette

We are all friends of trails, so let’s try to all be friends while on the trails.

The Big Sky Community Organization manages over 30 miles of trails that are all multi-use and multi-directional. While most of us would love to trails completely to ourselves, we will come across other trail users while out on the trail and we will need to practice good trail etiquette.

All Trail Users:

  • Stay on the trails
  • Be courteous to other trail users
  • Be respectful of wildlife
  • Respect private property
  • Stay right, except when passing
  • Keep the trail litter free
  • Watch for changing trail conditions
  • Avoid using the trail wet conditions
  • Report trail maintenance needs
  • Volunteer your time
  • Pick up dog waste left by others
  • Open to all non-motorized users

Dog Owners: 

  • Pick up after your dog
  • Leash dogs where required
  • Keep dogs in sight & under voice control at all times if not on leash
  • Do not allow dogs to chase or harass wildlife


  • Control your speed and be ready to stop if necessary
  • Stay to the right and pass on the left when trails allow
  • Yield to all other trail users
  • Stop and let hikers pass regardless of whether you are going uphill or downhill. This a great chance to be nice and say hi. If a hiker steps off the trail to allow you to pass, slow down and thank them!
  • When you encounter an equestrian, stop and dismount you bike on the downhill side of the trail. Make sure to say hi to the riders and keep chatting with them as they pass. This helps the horses identify you as a human and helps the horse remain at ease.




Trail Reports

We use the Trail Reporting Feature within the Trailforks App.  The Big Sky region has a “status” & “reports” tab. The status page lists all the trails in the region and their current status which is derived from the most recent report. The reports page lists all the reports in that region chronologically.

View the Big Sky Region Trail Report here »

The Trailforks app is free to install and use on your phone. You don’t have to pay for region downloads.

brought to you by Trailforks

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Big Sky Community Organization