BSCO manages 23+ miles of trails that are all multi-use and multi-directional.
Black Diamond
Crail Trail
Gallatin Canyon
Little Willow Way
Lone Peak
Mountain to Meadow
Mud Creek Trail
Ousel Falls
South Fork Loop
Spruce Cone
Ralph’s Pass (closed in winter)
Tanner’s Way
Huff’s Trek
Adam and Tele’s Connector Trail
Trail Maps
Conditions & More
The majority of BSCO trails are open year-round, barring any temporary seasonal hazard closures.
= Groomed or plowed during the winter.Note: Ungroomed / plowed trails are still open & get packed down by use.
Park Maps & Info
Big Sky Community Park
Kircher Discovery Park
Ousel Falls Park
Len Hill Park
RT & Ralph’s Beehive Preserve
Historic Crail Ranch
Marty Pavelich Ice Rink
BASE Programs
Youth Development
Outdoor Programs
Recreation Leagues
Ice Rink Programs
We are always looking at opportunities to increase parklands and open spaces while further developing public recreation amenities.
Trail Projects
Park Projects
About Us
Our Staff
Board of Directors
Employment Opportunities
Community Park Renovation
Financials and Annual Reports
2024-2026 Strategic Plan
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